ZUGABE - Cooperation module
The future of urban planning
The key to a successful integrated planning in an urban area lies in the detection of synergies from different disciplines and in understanding their functions and areas of responsibilities. For this, it requires above all, an impeccable information interchange among concerned players, where exchange of expertise is crucial to develop mutual understanding and agree to solve complex issues. GIS-based planning plays a significant role in collaborative interagency efforts as it facilitates structured considerations of various data.
The collaboration module ZUGABE was developed within the master plan updates of “Emscher” focusing on the future dialogue support between all involved disciplines. ZUGABE allows depicting potential synergies, in each location of the master plan, where the data is prepared.
Software ZUGABE
The software "ZUGABE cooperation module” is an advanced ArcGIS Explorer (ESRI) "add-ins" where all functions are stored in the menu bar. There are several windows that fulfill different functions in the software package.
Required programs and files for ZUGABE are:
- Access-Database
The software ZUGABE is subdivided into two main components: cost-benefit analysis and projects (stormwater management)
Conducting a cost-benefit analysis
The first subtask consists of carrying out a cost-benefit analysis to identify areas of action. This assessment is often done when a decision is needed to select one of several alternatives.
For the identification of city areas where the decoupling of paved surfaces would be particularly efficient, a GIS-based, multi-criteria evaluation is then performed.
Finally, the value and criteria for the different fields of action are weighted and superimposed. The result is an overall benefit scheme (see figure), which shows the different synergies for spatial decoupling.
Area identification
Once areas are identified for cost-benefit analysis intervention, ideas for concrete solutions, in ZUGABE, are then easily developed and implements. Areas with a decoupling potential are then directly defined on the map.
Subsequently, various decoupling measures can be defined for the design of new decentralized components.
The effects and costs of the planned investments are then estimated. A project report can now be printed.
As part of the project work, elevation profiles and intersecting lines can be also displayed and stored.