SWITCH Sustainable Water management Improves Tomorrow's Cities Health
Aims of the project
The aim of the project is to develop a scientific methodology and application for a sustainable water-management approach, taking into consideration several scenarios and futuristic projections (Projection varied between 30 to 50 years in the future).
The aims consist of developing an efficient and integrated mode of operation, in respect to urban water management, taking into consideration geological and ecological aspects (within the catchment) to improve global adaptation and flexibility.
Urban areas, around the world, are suffering from regional and global problem such as: Growth of population, industrialization and climate change.
Management of the continuously depleting water resources coupled with an increased pressure on water supplies as well as water systems, is becoming problematic. In addition to jeopardizing the living quality of the local population the mismanagement of water has an adverse effect on the ecological systems as well as on hygiene and socio-economic landscapes.
Due to the overuse of available resources, the traces of increased urbanization can be visible in the natural elements (Soil, air and water).
The project is subdivided into seven main themes and tasked to several working groups, The innovative character of the project is mainly due to:
Demand Calculation: With a focus on the specific case problems of stakeholders.
Learning alliance: Proper networking and coordination results in nothing less than a Win-Win situation in the water sector.
Versatile collaboration: The purpose of it, is to enhance intra-European information exchange from one side as well as data exchange with third world countries.
Integrated projections: It was crucial to consider urban water management in its natural environment with all global and local variations.
Participating Countries
China, Israel, Egypt, Palestine, Ghana, Brazil,
Colombia, Peru, Germany,
Great Britain, Greece, Spain,
The Netherlands, Poland and Swiss.