MOSAIK (Model-based city planning and application in climate change) is a BMBF funded German-wide research project within the call "Stadtklima im Wandel" (urban climate under change, [UC]²) that aims at developing a new modern and highly-efficient Urban Climate Model (PALM). The MOSAIK consortium consists of partners from entire Germany that have joined their forces to create an UCM of unprecedented spatial resolution and computational performance and which shall allow simulations of large cities of size of up to 2.000 km² with grid-resolved buildings.
The climate in Cities differs from that in the surrounding area due to modified surfaces, changing sealing ration, vegetation, buildings …
Soil acts as a transmitter of water and in doing so it has a profound impact on local climate mainly through evaporation. IPS is in charge of Work Package D4, titled, urban soil water content.
The main goals of WP-D4 will be the calculation of the soil water content for all pervious surfaces using the water balance model (WBM) STORM. The soil water content will be then used as input data for the surface energy balance solver of PALM. Also an interface PALM–STORM will be considered. The water balance for impervious surfaces will also be simulated to investigate further climate relevant issues such as pluvial flooding.
Project information
Period: 2016 - 2019