Wastewater register
Implementation of wastewater registers
According to the Annex 22 of the Waste Water Ordinance; companies, in the chemical industry, are obliged to regularly submit a register for demonstrating compliance with relevant water legislation requirements. The wastewater register consist of; quantity statements (= sewage flow rate) and quality data (= wastewater constituents). This means that the flow path of all relevant waste water streams must be documented at defined collection point, through various stages, from the in-house treatment until the points of discharge.
Furthermore, the waste water register must prove that the following requirements are met:
a) General requirements
b) Requirements within the inlet
c) Requirements prior of mixing
d) Requirements for site discharge
A number of parameters such as Volume flow, COD, Nges-, Pges concentrations as well as the concentrations of various heavy metals such as Mercury, cadmium, copper, etc. are controlled and regulated.