The Stormwater Experts

Measures for decentralized storm water management

The concept of decentralized stormwater management includes a wide variety of technical and non-technical measures. These measures can be divided into 6 main groups.

Blocks of stormwater management

Our approach, in stormwater management, aims in rebuilding the natural water cycle, i.e. storing runoff water for a certain time, recharging ground water and using the collected water for irrigation or household supply. In addition to the various methods such as; infiltrating swales, swale-trench systems, green roofs and a multitude of other rainwater harvesting systems, newer technologies such as; "Innodrain-system" or "Intelligent cisterns" represent further developments of these fundamental technologies.

The treatment of polluted stormwater runoff is also an important objective. Stormwater management systems that feature a living soil zone - including infiltrating swales, swale-trench systems and partly green roofs - cause extensive cleaning of polluted rainfall runoff. The diversity of systems for stormwater decentralized treatment is very large and is therefore, dealt with, in a separate section.

In addition to water balance preservation; urban evaporative cooling effect is, nowadays, becoming an emergent objective to be considered in stormwater management. Various technical solutions such as; tree pit stormwater drainage, wall and façade plantings or even the adiabatic cooling effect of vegetation, not only plays a role in managing heat and water, but also enhance the livability of urban areas. In addition to the various technical options of decentralized stormwater management systems, it is important not to neglect the non-technical ones. A balanced ratio of sealed to unsealed surfaces should be always considered, in any planning phase.

Measures to prevent stormwater drainage

Convey rain to groundwater

Usage and recycling of stormwater

Measures to increase evaporation

Rainwater drainage must be not always be underground

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